Baby's First Article
My published article had to be a fluke, I thought.
I had just completed a massive revision to my memoir, following some advice of the stellar Allison K. Williams, one of the editors at Brevity, an online magazine about writing.
When I shared a progress update with her, she prompted me to write about that process and to consider submitting it to Brevity as well.
And in the two weeks after the massive revision, in between sending copies to beta readers, I wrote that article. Kept it brief. Tried to keep it punchy.
I submitted it to Brevity yesterday.
I was certain there'd be some back-and-forth with an editor, if not Allison, then the estimable Dinty W. Moore. Suggestions to tighten a sentence or two. To trim something. Adjust a metaphor, maybe.
But no. Oh no. Oh very no.
My published article is live today. The day after I submitted it.
I'm shell-shocked. Gobsmacked, even.
I have joined the ranks of published authors.