Paxlovid is amazing. Mild warning, someone I know did the whole course and maybe pushed it a bit early to get back to "normal" and had a covid relapse...

Also, I am so curious what was inexplicable about Lake Oswego's Italian food...?

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Thank you. I’m going to ask my manager to let me go slow in the week ahead. Especially now that Hiro just tested positive too and our household population of man-babies doubled.

The restaurant was nice enough. But the chef was overly found of chili flakes in places neither of us expected nor wanted them. The waiter warned us but it was worse than anticipated and for unfathomable reasons. Bolognese is not southern Italian cuisine. Neither is gazpacho! 😂

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Oh no Hiro-san! Hoping for fast recoveries for both of you

Chili flakes? What the...? Now totally understood. Clearly if the waiter warned you, you weren't the first to ask

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Brian! It’s the best of times and the worst of times, no?! And isn’t that how life often is? Rejoicing with you in so much manuscript-related hope, and sending all the healing thoughts. Get through this quickly—my wish for you—so you can bask in the knowledge that agents are intrigued by your book (as well they should be). All the fingers crossed over here. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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Thank you so much, Casey!

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I second Casey's sentiment. You're really having the whole Tapestry of Life experience at one time. Couldn't be happier for you on the manuscript traction. Bummer giving up that Novid card. Good recovery wishes to Hiro, too.

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Boo hoo for Covid. Yippee for the manuscript!

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What a whirlwind! Hope you are able to rest. Wishing you luck with the manuscript!

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Thank you! I think there will be more rest this week.

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Best energy for the continuation of this positive path with your manuscript.

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Thank you.

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Your essay in TriQuarterly is excellent, Brian! Good luck with the new book proposal.

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Thank you! So glad you liked it.

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